Jul 16, 2012 | Post by: admin No Comments

Building with #Bamboo Lumber

Bamboo Lumber manufactured from strand woven bamboo is the latest and greatest product in the bamboo industry. It is insanely dense, durable and it’s HEAVY! Don’t even try to shoot a nail through it or drive a screw without pre drilling. It’s bends nails and shreds screws without proper preparation. Check out the photos of the process.

According to insiders in the industry, “Bamboo lumber is pressed from bamboo strips which already have been well treated, including boiling, drying, gluing. Bamboo lumber can be milled for the building and projects as hardwood. 

Bamboo lumber is pressed with low VOC resin and 100% renewable resources – bamboo under high pressure and high temperature.

Bamboo lumber can be pressed in horizontal grain, vertical grain and strand woven. Horizontal or vertical is most used in the interior projects and buildings. Strand woven is used for outside building, like house, wall panels. Bamboo lumber in strand woven is cold pressed process, durable and consistent quality.

Bamboo lumber is used across the world in construction and is becoming increasingly more popular for building purposes due to its versatility, beauty, sustainability, flexibility and its incredible strength.

Bamboo lumber comes in a variety of dimensions and lengths. Colors include natural and caramel. 

 Mikel Robertson
111 South Street
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
p.805 543 9900 f. 805 543 9903
Green Leaf Doors

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